SHOCKING NEWS : Former Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has weighed in on the club’s current crisis under new boss Erik ten Hag, and he believes that some of the players are to blame. Solskjaer, who was sacked last season, says that “toxic” players are causing problems for Ten Hag and are preventing the club from achieving success. He has urged the club to take action to address the issue and has warned that the situation is “dangerous” for Ten Hag and the club. This is like a time bomb in the team if this issues is not addressed. Solskjaer Reacts to Ten Hag’s Manchester United Crisis – Blames Toxic Players for Problems.


Upon reflecting on his tenure at Manchester United, former manager Ole Gunnar Solskjær shed light on ongoing challenges within the club’s communication dynamics, particularly under the current management of Erik ten Hag. Solskjær, revered both as a player and manager at Old Trafford, noted shifts in communication practices over the years, contrasting the direct engagement he experienced during Sir Alex Ferguson’s era with the present reliance on PR agencies.

Solskjær recalled a time when communication flowed seamlessly between players and club officials, a tradition exemplified by Ferguson’s personal touch. However, he observed a departure from this approach in modern football, where intermediaries often mediate interactions between parties. Solskjær bemoaned the barriers imposed by these intermediaries, lamenting the loss of organic dialogue that characterized his earlier experiences.

The repercussions of this shift were evident during incidents like the Jadon Sancho transfer saga, where miscommunication exacerbated by PR involvement resulted in the player’s temporary departure to Borussia Dortmund. Solskjær emphasized the significance of interpersonal connections in fostering trust and unity within the team, underscoring the impact of transparent communication on player morale and performance.

Beyond communication challenges, Solskjær raised concerns about the growing rigidity in tactical coaching methods. He cautioned against overly prescriptive approaches, advocating instead for a balance between structured frameworks and player autonomy. In his opinion, footballers should not be mere executors of a manager’s directives but should also possess the freedom to exercise creativity and intuition on the field.

Solskjær highlighted the importance of nurturing decision-making skills and adaptability from a young age, warning against the stifling of player creativity. He believed that the essence of football lies in the spontaneity and ingenuity displayed by players, rather than strict adherence to predefined roles and instructions. As such, he promoted a coaching philosophy that empowers players to think independently and take ownership of their actions, recognizing it as fundamental to achieving success on the pitch.

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