BREAKING NEWS: Coming live from Liverpool at this hour. Billy Hogan, the CEO of Liverpool, discloses talks about the next phase of the Anfield plan. He said in an interview ” The redevelopment of the Anfield Road End is set to be completed and open to fans in January, and we have come to a conclusion that redevelopment of the stadium will begin at the end of the summer a lot has been put to consideration on how to make Anfield better more accessible to the fans.

Liverpool and the mayor's office have been in communication regarding ways to enhance transport connections.


Billy Hogan, the CEO of Liverpool, says talks have taken place regarding how to enhance transportation to Anfield on game days and during concerts.

The £80 million redevelopment of the Anfield Road End is scheduled to be finished and open to supporters in January. The project has been delayed as a result of the September bankruptcy of the project’s previous construction partners, Buckingham Group.

With 7,000 more seats added after the renovation is finished, Anfield’s capacity will reach 61,000, which will help to better meet demand for tickets. Anfield’s capacity has increased by 34% over the last seven years thanks to a major overhaul of the Main Stand that cost £120 million and added 8,500 seats.

Increasing connectivity between the city and the stadium is high on the club’s agenda, as Anfield is hosting more fans than ever before.

Speaking on Tuesday about the city’s economy as part of a panel at the University of Liverpool’s Vice-Chancellor’s Conference at the Liverpool Maritime Museum, Hogan told Business Live that “nothing’s a quick or easy win that relates to transport.”

“We have discussed how we can enhance that connectivity with the mayor and his staff.”

Hogan stated that an arena such as Anfield needed to be able to “jump on transport,” and that better transportation would not only benefit the Anfield community all week long but would also be “super important” on game and concert days.

Stephen Jones, director of the think tank Core Cities UK, also spoke at the event and stated: “There are some big public transport things that are hard, like train or metro.”

However, he claimed that there are simpler things that could be completed faster to link Liverpool’s stadiums to the city centre, like making the walking routes more hospitable.

The metro mayor of Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotheram, stated earlier this month in an interview with BBC Radio Merseyside that the abandoned plan for a tram network that would have served Everton and Liverpool stadiums could be revived due to the collaborative nature of the devolved local authority.

In an interview with BBC Radio Merseyside, Rotheram stated: “People wonder why we have a metro mayor and why we have combined authority. We have a metro mayor because, in 2012, the city and the surrounding area would have a working tram system if we had what we have now. We didn’t have it because the local government didn’t collaborate as well as it does now. After a falling out between the two of them, they bought some stuff that they had to scrap, the money went back to the government, and we lost everything. Everyone suffered a loss. Now that six local authorities are collaborating, we don’t have that.

It has nothing to do with cost. We possessed the funds. We never received the first line that was supposed to run from Liverpool to Kirkby and from Liverpool to the airport because of a falling out over the procedure. Currently, we are attempting to look back and see if we can squeeze anything in, but a lot of the land in the corridors has been developed over the course of the last 20 years.

A different approach might be possible, and I’m considering it. We will eventually inform the public about it, but there may be a connection to Bramley-Moore, for example, as further research is required. Additionally, Anfield. We’re looking at transport options because Anfield has recently grown and 10,000 more people will need to leave the area once that development is finished. However, we can only take this action because of devolution and a metro mayor who oversees a combined authority, or groups of people working together.

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